Whereabouts of the soul
The world is in difficult situation. It seems that COVID19 started effecting the world in January of 2020. At that time, the impact had not yet reached Hokkaido and I went snowboarding to photo-shoot with riders from a variety of countries. After shooting, I came home and I had a relaxing time. In March, the government announced a state of emergency, and situation got worse and tensions were accelerated. I tried to stay home and spend time with my family. However, I needed to go back to the mountains while it was still snowing in order to film. I went deep in the mountains by snowmobile, and camped out there. As the snow melted, I spent time in an unusual page in Hokkaido.
I noticed something as the 2020 season stared. Always in January, Hokkaido is flooded with snowboarders and skiers from overseas, and the mountains are crowded and there isn’t enough space to ride. This year was different. Even if I could have imagined the future, this situation - as it is now - is so unlikely, so I changed my mindset to enjoy this environment. The COVID19 situation overseas was also terrible, and my fellow riders were in such a difficult situation, so I decided not to travel abroad. Somehow there was a natural flow, and I felt the timing was right and decided to go to Tokoku with my childhood friends and concentrate on filming this season. I felt like there are things that can only be expressed with them, and everything just felt very right. I feel like I’m warming to that now.
Nowadays, films can be posted online and we receive direct audience evaluation. At first I hated this situation very much. I felt like I needed to go to a place physically to work on projects with people in order to make it be authentic. In this era of convenience, if you post a film people from all over can take a look at it. It somehow doesn’t feel real. But now I’m starting to see some of the positive aspects, too. There are always pros and cons, but I’ve been fortunate enough to come to real places and have real connections with a lot of people, so I think I’ve started to accept this situation online. But I also feel that online-only is not good. It’s important to go to the actual place to get things done, but it really depends on the situation. From far away, people can still connect to each other by utilizing streaming technology.
今は、ネットで映像を配信すると、観てもらえるし評価してもらえる時代。 最初はそれがすごく嫌でした。リアルじゃないから俺にはピンとこない部分があった。実際にその場所に行って、目の前の人たちと何かを進めたりするような、リアルな何かがなきゃいけないと思っていたから。でも、どんどん便利になる中で、1本動画をポストすると、それが世界中の人たちの目に留まるっていう時代でもあります。でも今は逆に、ポジティブな面もあるというのは感じ始めているんです。自分は幸運にもリアルなことをやってきて、たくさんの人たちとのつながりもしっかりあるから、すんなりオンラインのやり方に入れたと思っています。しっかりその現場に行ってやるっていうことも大事だし、だけど状況に応じて、離れたところから配信しながらつながっていく、という方法もそれはそれでいいのかも、と今は思えるようになりました。
So many things happened this year. I deeply troubled the people around me by getting arrested. In that difficult situation, my friends and family were so supportive. In the past, I was obsessed with getting higher and reaching the next level as my goal. Instead of collaborating with someone, I was only focusing on myself to get to that peak-point. I thought that that’s the only way to get there. Just keep reaching to top level. I had strong passion and focus about it. COVID19 and getting arrested overlapped on me, and I needed to restrict myself. In those situations, I had an important opportunity to think about how I want to move forward from now on.
本当に色々なことがあった1年だったように思います。事件のことでもたくさん迷惑もかけた。そんな時に自分を強く支えてくれたのが、仲間や家族の存在だったのは間違いないです。ずっと辿り着きたい場所があったから、その目標のために今までずっと外(海外)や上(上のレベル)しか見てこないでやってきてて。周りと一緒にやるということよりも、自分がとりあえず最高峰のレベルへ行かなきゃ何も始まらないという意識が強かったから。ただひたすら上へ上へ、という強い気持ち。コロナと逮捕が重なり、制限がある難しい状況になった時、自分は何がしたいのか? 仲間に支えられた経験を元に、どんな風に進みたいのか?と考える良いきっかけになりました。
In those difficult situations, I experienced my friends heavily supporting me and it gave me a totally new perceptive. I started feeling that I want to give back to them to show my appreciation. What I can do is to tell my contemporaries about what I’ve learned all over the world. But it has to be on snow. That’s why I decided to ride with my old friends this year. We hang out together even when there is no snow. We have different sponsors, and we all have different jobs during the season, so we haven’t been able to see each other much these past 10 years. We all grew up now and we all want to start something.
I thought there was something I could give back simply. Some sponsors left me due to this situation, but on the other hand, there are brands that supported me greatly in spite of the current situation. I realized that I don’t have to chase the top level to still receive support from brands. As a result, I really just want to express the kind of snowboarding that only I can do.
I tried to reach to top, and I became a brand icon. It was motivational for sure and it made me happy, to be honest, because it was my dream. But the dream doesn’t last very long, and at the same time, strong pressures start to build. I became exhausted both mentally and physically after one season, and sometimes thought I needed to walk away from snowboarding. That’s why I’m glad that this situation happened and that it brought a new perspective. It’s not just about being on the top, but about new directions and moving forward with the people who support you. I have a brand new motivation and I am truly excited about this.
自分は常に上を目指してやってきた。その結果、ブランドのトップに立って広告塔にもなりました。それはそれでとてもやりがいがあったし、正直自分も嬉しかったんです。そんな世界が小さい頃からの夢でもあったから。でも、夢見心地はずっと続くわけもなく、同時にめちゃくちゃなプレッシャーが襲いかかってくるわけで。フィジカル的にもメンタル的にも1シーズン終わったら、本当にからっからの状態が毎年続いていました。もうスノーボ ードから離れたいっていうことも多々ありました。だからこそ今こういう状況になって、違う選択肢が出てきたのがすごく嬉しいんです。ただ上を目指すだけじゃなく、自分がしたい動きをサポートしてくれる人たちと一緒に進んでいく新しい方向性。また新たなモチベーションが湧いてきたって感じで、心が高鳴っているのが自分でもわかる。とにかく、めっちゃ楽しみなんです。
I have been snowboarding since I was a kid, so almost 30 years. This feeling is very similar to when I first started as a professional snowboarder. My goal and vision was to film with top snowboarders at that time. I spent 20 years reaching it, and it was everything for me. It was fun at first, but after becoming a professional I told myself that enjoyable moments doesn’t last long. After all, there are feelings of fear when stepping into unprecedented territory on the mountain and the risks that come along with that. Even if I was not on the snow, I needed to train hard and work on conditioning. Everyone says that “Being snowboarder should be fun!” but I honestly thought that this level of riding isn’t just for fun. Maybe only 5 minutes in a day felt fun. Other than that, I tried so hard to push the limits of expression through riding. I focused and was driving myself to make it happen.
Snowboarding has an aspect of art. You can be a skillful top level rider but not be at the top. It’s hard to see, but it’s within a realm of art. After 20 years, I have the feeling that there are a lot of people who love my riding, but also love who I am. I have a feeling that I can express my snowboarding freely, and it might be an artform.
I am obsessed with who I am. I really don’t want to lose my personality or originality. Chasing only skill or technique does not mean that you’ll become a rider that everyone admires. It’s not difficult for me to hone skills or learn new tricks. If I set an objective to overcome, and do the hard work with my brain, I can get there for sure. On the other hand, chasing originality of expression while riding on unpredictable snow in the mountains is far removed from hard work. It is really difficult to do. It’s really is.
If you can imagine what you want to do, and if you can express it through your riding, that – in and of itself – will be an inspiration. There is a slope, and where and how you ride it is part of the art of snowboarding. If you ride beautifully in the same line as someone else, and jump beautifully at that same point, it’s not valuable at all. Anyone expressing themselves in search of their own originality will understand this feeling. Being yourself and finding originality is everything.
This year, I’m going to have fun from the bottom of my heart. That’s the approach I used to take with my childhood friends, and with that mentality I might be able to reach the highest level. I want to capture the essence of that on film. If the highest level can be achieved by simply going to the mountains with childhood friends and having a pure sense of enjoyment, that would make me very happy. The thought itself makes me excited. Right now I’m just looking forward to being with old friends and focusing on expression, continuing to move forward in my own way.
Written by Kazu Kokubo
Shot by Kohei Adachi