Blowing in the wind


I've had people write for me, but I've never written on my own like this. Not sure if I can end up with anything worth reading. So what. Just Do It.

誰かに書いてもらう事はあってもこうして自分で文章を考える事はほぼ初めてかもしれない。人に読んで貰うだけの価値がある文章になるか不安はあるけど、 Just Do It.

Time has gone by so quickly since I decided to set the Tokyo Olympics as my goal. I don't remember much about all the things that happened since then, they have slipped from my memory just like the passing scenery while driving 150 mph (although I've never driven that fast in real life).

I do remember that there were times I had to hold the wheel tight on bumpy roads, or was shaking on a curve. It is now October 3, and I am pulling over to the side of the road to write this note. It is also the day I am going back to the U.S. for my daughter's birthday.

東京オリンピックをゴールにする事を決めてから何もかもがあっという間に過ぎた。200 キロで高速を飛ばした時みたいに (そこまで飛ばした事はないけど)過ぎた景色はもうあ まり覚えてはいない。ちょっとしたでこぼこでハンドルが取られそうになったり、カーブで少 しひやっとしたり。そんな瞬間もありながらとあるサービスエリアで小休憩をしているのが、 この文章を考えている 10 月 3 日。


When you drive 150 mph, you cannot see the surrounding scenery because it passes in a blur. But once you step outside, you realize that the new horizon of a totally different landscape is slowly beginning to rise. You may think it's a new world, but it's actually an extension of your path. That is when you find the power of Sports and all the things they bring.

200 キロで高速を飛ばすと、一瞬で通り過ぎてしまうから近くの景色は解像度が低くはっきり と目に映らない。けれども世界を跨ぐと、また全く違う景色の全体像がゆっくりと見えてく る。全く違う様に見えて、それは繋がった同じ世界。スポーツの力、その力で出来る沢山のこと。

On this journey, I've come a long way.

Everything looks different than when I started, and it makes me want to take a deep breath and feel what's around me. My destination may change, but that would still be ok. I will look for the shortest way to get there.
I'm not done running yet.


スタート地点とは全然違う景色だし、一旦下車して、風とか匂いとかフラットに感じてみようか。目的地がふらっと変わったっていい。 でもそこに向けての最短距離のルートを時々確認しながら。


Written by Suguru Osako

Shot by Shota Matsumoto


Across the sea


Whereabouts of the soul