Miho Nonaka 野中生萌
Born May 21, 1997 in Tokyo. Silver medalist at the Tokyo Olympics. 2nd place overall at the Bouldering World Cup. At the age of 8, she was taken to a climbing gym with his father who was a hobbyist, as part of his mountain climbing training. At the age of 16, she first became a member of the Japanese National Team, and made her world debut by competing in the Lead World Cup. In 2016, she won her first Bouldering World Cup in Mumbai, and in the same year also won in Munich, earning her 2nd place in the world rankings. In 2018, she became the first annual queen of the Bouldering World Cup. In 2019, she won the triple crown in the domestic tournament. In 2021, she won a silver medal in the women's combined sport climbing event at the Tokyo Olympics. She participated in the Paris Olympics for the second time in a row in 2024. Now she is heading to Olympics in LA.
1997年5月21日生まれ 東京都出身
Tetsuto Yamada 山田哲人
Born on July 16, 1992 in Hyogo Prefecture. Professional baseball player who belongs to Tokyo Yakult Swallows as a captain of the team. He’s achieved the special title 3 times which is called Triple Three. (Batting Average:.300, 30 Steals, 30 home runs). He is the key player in Japan National Team (Samurai Japan), and He is the gold medalist of Tokyo Olympic 2021. He has a very stable heart and he is the game changer. Needless to say, he is one of the top players in Japan.
1992 年 7 月 16 日生まれ、兵庫県出身。プロ野球選手。東京ヤクルトスワローズに所属し、キャプテンを努めている。偉業であるトリプスリー(打率3割、30盗塁、ホームラン30本)を過去3度達成している。そして日本代表、侍ジャパンのキーマンとして活躍し続けている。2021年、東京オリンピック野球金メダリスト。ブレない平常心で勝負強さで勝利を呼び込む日本を代表する一流のプレイヤーである。
Shunsuke Nakamura 中村俊輔
Born on June 24, 1978, in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. Professional football player. Joined the Yokohama Marinos (currently known as the Yokohama F. Marinos) in 1997. After receiving the J-League MVP in 2000, he played in three European clubs: Reggina in Serie A, Italy (2002-2005), Celtic in Scotland (2005-2009), Espanyol in Spain (2009-2010). While with Celtic, he played in the European Champions League for three consecutive years and showed outstanding performance, including contributing to three championships, receiving the best goal of the year, and being the first Japanese player to receive MVP in an overseas league. Nakamura returned to the Yokohama F. Marinos in 2010 and became the first player to receive the J-League MVP for the second time in 2013. He transferred to the Jubilo Iwata in 2017. He was selected as The Scottish Sun’s 10 best free-kick takers in the world in 2018. He’s been with Yokohama FC since 2019. Nakamura has shown exceptional performance as a member of the Japan national team for a long time, wearing uniform number 10, and playing in the World Cup in 2006 and 2010. He scored 24 goals in 98 International A Matches. His imaginative play has worked magic on the pitch and captivates those who watch. He is a midfielder who is known for his unique playstyle that has no comparison.
Reo Hatate 旗手怜央
Born on November 21, 1997 in Mie Prefecture. Professional soccer player. After winning The Excellent Player Award at the National High School Championship, Kanto University League Rookie of the Year, and representing his generation, Reo Hatate joined the Kawasaki Frontale in the J-League. He has contributed to four J-League titles in two years, including J-League 2020&2021, and the FUJI XEROX Emperor's Cup. He has a strong physicality, highly accurate footwork, the ability to hold his own against opponents, and excellent scoring ability. The creativity of his play is remarkable in the domestic league, and he continues to have an overwhelming presence on the pitch.
1997 年 11 月 21 日生まれ、三重県出身。プロサッカー選手全国高校選手権優秀選手賞、関東大学リーグ新人王、世代別代表を経験し、Jリーグ川崎フロンターレへ入団。Jリーグ2020.2021、FUJI XEROX 天皇杯とプロ2年で4タイトルに貢献。2021年, 東京五輪日本代表、Jリーグベストイレブン選出される。強靭なフィジカル、精度の高い足下の技術、相手を背にしてのキープ力、そして優れた得点能力。日本人離れしたクオリティの高いクリエイティブなプレーはピッチで圧倒的な存在感を放ち続ける。
Featured Athletes
Suguru Osako 大迫傑
Born on May 23rd, 1991 in Tokyo. Osako started running when he was in Junior High School. He achieved section award twice at Japan Highschool Ekiden, and He also achieved section award twice at University Hakone Ekiden. Furthermore, he received section award at new year Ekiden. He left great achievement continuously in short term. In 2015, he moved to the U.S in order to join Nike Oregon Project. In 2021, he ran Tokyo Olympic and became No.6 in the world. He is always being positive and calm, and he continued to blow a new wind to track and field’s world. He is the one and only runner.
1991 年 5 月 23 日生まれ、東京都出身。元陸上競技選手。 中学から本格的に陸上を始める。全国高校駅伝で 2 回の区間賞、箱根駅伝で 2 回の区間賞、ニューイヤー駅伝で区間賞を受賞するなど数々の成績を残す。2015 年にアメリカ・オレゴン州に拠点を置くナイキ・オレゴン・プロジェクトに加入。その後 2021 年には東京オリンピック6位という快挙を成し遂げる。常にポジティブ で冷静な走りは、陸上界に新しい風をふかし続けた唯一無二のランナーである。
Kazu Kokubo 國母和宏
Born on August 16th in 1988 from Ishikari, Hokkaido. Professional Snowboarder. He started snowboard And then, he became the champion of FIS World Cup 2005 and Universiade 2009, and other international tournaments. He showed a great performance at Trino and Vancouver Olympic as the Japan National Team. He became 8th place . In 2010 and 2011, he conquered U.S Open, and his winning run was a historical moment after the great east Japan earthquake. Medial highly mentioned about it. He spends his winter in US, and participates in snowboarding films. During off season, he spends time with his family in Hokkaido. He is the only one snowboarding like no other.
1988年8月16日生まれ、北海道石狩市出身。プロスノーボーダー。 4歳でスノーボードと出合い、11歳にしてプロ資格を取得。2004年、14歳の時に全米オープンで日本人初なる2位入賞。その後、2005年のFISワールドカップや2009年のユニバーシアードといった数々の国際大会で優勝を飾る。トリノ、バンクーバーオリンピックには日本代表として活躍。バンクーバー大会では8位入賞を記録。2010年、2011年と全米オープンを連覇し、東日本大震災の翌日開催だった2011年大会のウイニングランを被災地への祈りとして捧げ、国内外のメディアが大きく取り上げた。現在はウインターシーズンをアメリカに滞在し、撮影や大会等に出場。オフシーズンは北海道に帰省し、家族と過ごすという暮らしを送っている。 雪の上で自由に表現する唯一無二の存在である。
Sachi Amma 安間佐千
Born on September 23, 1989 in Tochigi Prefecture. Amma started climbing when he was 12 years old with his father’s recommendation. He became No.3 in the Junior Olympic Youth B (Under 16Y.O. competition), and he became the champion for 3 consecutive years of Japan Competition. In his first world cup 2012 he became a champion for the first time in 12 years as male Japanese climber. In the same year he became a champion of the year for the world cup, and he became a king of lead climbing. In the next year, he also became a champion. Recently, his playing field is moving to natural walls, where we challenges the most difficult walls. He is true free climber while traveling all over the world.
1989 年 9 月 23 日生まれ、栃木県出身。12 歳の時、山岳文化に精通する父の勧めでクライミ ングと出会う。わずか 1 年でジュニアオリンピックのユース B(16 歳未満)で 3 位入賞や日本 選手権 3 連覇など才能を開花。ワールドカップでは 2012 年の初戦、日本人男子として 12 年ぶ りに優勝し、この年のワールドランキング 1 位、そして念願のリード種目の年間優勝を飾る。 さらに続く 2013 年も年間優勝を達成し、2 年連続のチャンピオンとなる。近年、活躍の場所を自然 の岩場へ移し、数々の高難度の壁を制し続けている。開拓者として自由に世界を旅する本当のフリークライマーである。